Friday, January 1, 2010


Well peeps, another year gone huh?
'09 was great. Kid Dreamer Ent is growing at an unbelievable pace.

I released one music project, Jay-Z x Bob Marley "Young Roc Rebels" that did fairly well (200+ downloads already).2009 was really the year for growth, the first officail steps that will propell us to the top.
Still, the world lost a number of people in '09 and their spirits will be with us as we proceed in '10.

As for this year.Me and Ojay are prepping a mixtape called "Boy Meets World"

(which is phenomenal and is the best work that i have done to date). It will be released here (free as always) on January 8th for everyone.

You can expect some more groundbreaking projects from us (me and Ojay) throught 2010.
 Just stay tuned.

By the way seriously look out for Ojay the music that dude makes in on another level...seriously.
 "Boy Meets World" will be (whether or not the media rides with us) hard!

U know its JLA!